Część z tego skradłam z info innych ludzi, którzy umieszczają tam "kfiatuszki", więc może być znana...
nutcase: the simul king is here
nutcase: need another 2 fast improving beginners
nutcase: time for some orgy actions
senile: Can somebody help me please?
volcane: whats the problem?
senile: I have a problem and not sure where to report it
senile: to the maker of this program or to sun
senile: it's a graphical problem
senile: the stones never land in the squares
chewbacca: lol
senile: any idea?
chewbacca: the stones are placed in the intersections
senile: ohh u 2 have te problem?
chewbacca: yes
volcane: yes its very common
senile: i'll try another server then, thanks
shygost [-]: maybe I can trick you with a joseki
mumu [9p]: I do not know this joseki
shygost [-]: good!!!
Move 11
shygost [-]: but your "not knowing it" is stronger than my "knowing it"
crougne: Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
"Theory is when you know something, but it doesn't work. Practice is when something works, but you don't know why. Programmers combine theory and practice: nothing works and they don't know why."
O kibicach kyu w grach danowców:
weex7d [?]: but they open their mouth and stream of verbal poo come out
Move 25
hoppy [5k]: black is winning
Phoon: You know, why do people think it's so "weird" that there are professional go players?
Javaness: they don't
Phoon: Javaness: That's not the impression I get
Phoon: Usually people *say* that... then return to their TV sports hero worship
Phoon: because anyone can play a board game, but it takes a real pro to grab a ball from between another guy's legs and chuck it downfield
Javaness: shut up and let me watch spiderman
Phoon: or drive a car around in circles
mattn: well, i once met a professional Quake player.. after that, I don't let "professional ______" phase me much
Hungary: jebus
Hungary: where r u hiding
Hungary: i like spanking u , jebus!
1: they have mothers in canada? surely not..
2: don't let Drim hear that
3: drim is a canadian mother?
2: we're not close enough that i've asked
4: canadians are grown on the backs of hockey pucks in a light beer sauce
Drimgere: I was rejected
Drimgere: ahh there is good old gnubie
Drimgere: he never sais no
- 2k's do so much terrible stuff
- then what do 8kyus do?
- Well, 8k's are just cute. It's obvious they are trying to puzzle things out, but it's like watching little kids. 2k's are old enough to know better
PenDragon8: (sings a song about Go so the admins don't take us to the Chat Room and set us on fire)
Phoon: "Sing a song of sente, a pocket full of stones... if you blow the yose, then your whole game is boned... when the ko fight ended, my giant group was dead... so I picked up the goban and bashed him in the head!"
Phoon: (hey, that's the best I can do on short notice)
truesaint: but i don't think you can beat me tonight, cruzz, no matter how hard you try.
wetnose: ooh
wetnose: i gotta watch this
truesaint: since i'm not playing!

planar: BTW, Jebus, congratulations for you resurrection.
Jebus: thanks
Junehog: yeah, Jebus, nice job
Zylek [8k]: If they are not pros, then they are probably amateurs.
guanwh [8d]: You don't know how to play
slimstegi [?]: i do but its my first time
takinc [2d]: no time for talking if you want to get to 9d
GeneF [6k]: Of course. Beginner games are generally lost, not won.
TheCaptain [5d]: i dont believe in the takey-backy tesuji